The Emergency Services Public Information Officers of Colorado is comprised of nearly 170 members representing agencies across the state, from law enforcement and fire to healthcare, city government and higher education. Our organization serves to promote the profession of the public information officer, provide support to members, and foster relations between PIOs, the public and the media.

All members are invited to attend our ESPIOC monthly meetings and trainings, which are held on the second Thursday of every month. If you would like to check out a monthly meeting before joining ESPIOC, we’d love to have you as our guest.

Membership Dues

Annual membership dues are $100. For agencies with three or more members, dues are $75 per member. Some scholarships are available to individuals upon request. New members may join at any time. Annual membership renewal occurs every January.

There are many benefits to membership:

  • Professional networking
  • A support system of fellow PIOs to assist you during a large-scale incident or crisis
  • Member roster and contact information
  • Monthly PIO trainings and educational opportunities
  • Access to video recordings of training presentations
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Voting eligibility in the organization
  • Free admission to annual media mixer and end-of-year banquet
  • Discounted membership rate for ESPIOC Conference

Need something to share with your supervisor as to why the ESPIOC is important? Here you go.

New and returning members: You can now fill out our online form and pay online as well. Otherwise, you can still fill out the online form and mail a check to the address listed below. If registering multiple members, add the additional names at the bottom of the form.  If you are in need of financial support to become a member of ESPIOC, please fill out our scholarship application and we will be in contact with you. Payments are accepted via our online form or by check. Checks ($100 per member) or (agencies with 3+ members $75 each) can be mailed to: Micki Trost, c/o Colorado DHSEM, 9195 E Mineral Ave, Suite 200, Centennial, CO 80112.

Join the ESPIOC or Renew Your Membership
(For more than one membership, please submit an additional form for each member.)

Multiple members in your agency? Please register one member per sign up form.